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houndog 01-17-2013 02:05 PM

Glenn, a freak accident is not funny at all! Jakobi busting himself and missing his eye would have caused me to say "how did that feel" once I saw he was not hurt. I never ask that to a fellow down on a path from a crash! Unless he's my buddy and unhurt! My buddies have been asking each other that question for years.

I got zapped by 180 volts off some giant caps on this big tube amplifier the other day. Burned a small hole in my thumb. My buddy Don was here. Instantly he said " how did that feel". I said "great, except for the numbness". Was holding the chassis in my right hand and managed to stick my thumb across the damn thing.

Handlebar to the groin is borderline, only because he didn't get "really" hurt! My guess is looking down and seeing damaged "man parts" could easily make you pass out! That would not be funny when you really think about it :)

Please don't think I'd trivialize a serious injury....I left out the serious part of my story. The aspirin to thin my blood and the ibuprofen to combat inflation burned a damn hole in my stomach. I was not taking either for pain and did not start until a few days later when I saw it was not going down. Keep this in mind, take a Zantac before if you are going to take massive amounts of aspirin or ibuprofen for a week! It (the ulcer) was serious. Took a long time to recover from that! The aftermath of the injury was 10 times worse than the banged shin. I thought I was dying. When bitten by a rattlesnake, I never thought for a second I could die. The ulcer actually made me think I was. Details would seem like whining! I did not post the "whole story" because the only funny part was my stupidity in not paying attention when kicking "The Bunny"! :)


Jakobi 01-17-2013 02:46 PM

I'm picking up what you're putting down. Its about having a laugh at yourself for something that wasn't so serious and mostly preventable.. Wouldn't wish a serious injury on anyone, but I have to admit with mine it was a "I can't believe I just did that ...you dickhead!" ..It made me look like a badass UFC champ for a week after though so I got a chuckle every time I looked in the mirror. lol.

houndog 01-17-2013 04:07 PM

Jakobi, YES! Me too, laugh at myself, that is :).

Diggs345 01-17-2013 11:09 PM

Its never funny to see someone hurt , and thats not what i meant in my post , it was more the awkward situation he could have been if he had passed out . Maybee i should remove my post ? .
Iv had plenty of accidents , and thinking afterwards how stupid i was a laughing about it , and if you dont laugh you gotta cry lol

The most stupid thing i did was trying to undo a clutch hub bolt on a zx750 , i locked the basket with a few plates bolted together , had a 3/4 bar on and it wasnt budging , so i put a pole over the bar and put my left foot on the gearbox and give it my all , the plates shattered and where do you think the bar stopped , on my forehead doh , i instantly had a bump the size of an egg and could feel my body getting ready to pass out so i went and sat on the floor with my back to the wall just in case i did , luckily i didnt though , allthough i cost me a day off work .
I made a purchase of a impact gun for the next attempt though :D

twowheels 01-18-2013 12:15 AM

Everybody that owns a GasGas (and even casual passers-by) has been clocked by the sidestand at least once ... usually good solid metal-to-bone contact.

My downfall is lacerations ... and I mean "fall down" downfall! The sight of my own blood, or a good needle puts me out like a light.

I was putting slots in a Yamaha sidepanel one time so that I'd have somewhere to lift the bike by. Turns out that utility knife blades travel much faster once they've broken through the plastic, and the force I was putting on the handle meant my thigh was no match for it. Luckily the gash was clean and only a couple inches long (and about an inch deep), and that I was able to make it to the floor before I passed out. My wife was out of town at the time, but she asked me about it a couple weeks later when I was suiting up for a race :eek:

Same leg, about ten years later ... broke the end off of a footpeg in a rut, so when I stuck my leg out it took a bite out of the back of my calf. I thought it was odd that my leg felt cold on a warm day, but I did notice the end of the footpeg sticking out so I pounded it back with my heal ... lest I hurt myself in the middle of a race :D The adrenaline kept me going and enough blood leaked out to flush the wound, but I was bummed that I had ripped my pants :)

GMP 01-18-2013 07:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)
This is old news but for the newer guys here:

Picked up this hitchhiker once on a fast trail ride with Cruiser and a few other guys. Through pants, CTi frame, leg, stopped at inside back of boot, snapped off a few inches in front. Rode seven miles of singletrack out to meet ambulance on a dirt road. Saved a lot of $$ on a helecopter ride.

Diggs345 01-18-2013 09:38 AM

Ouch , i bet that hurt some :eek: , how long did it take to heal ?

GMP 01-18-2013 12:39 PM

Totally healed about 5 weeks or so, but I rode an enduro at 3 weeks with waterproof bandages over the holes.

bowhunter007 01-18-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by GMP (Post 102966)
This is old news but for the newer guys here:

Picked up this hitchhiker once on a fast trail ride with Cruiser and a few other guys. Through pants, CTi frame, leg, stopped at inside back of boot, snapped off a few inches in front. Rode seven miles of singletrack out to meet ambulance on a dirt road. Saved a lot of $$ on a helecopter ride.

Ouch! pscook & I were in a group, several weeks ago, when one of the guys rode down some gnarly s-track to get out to a pickup point. We found out later, his rolled ankle was a broken leg. As it turns out...Good boots make good emergency splints.

GMP 01-21-2013 07:56 AM

Sometimes you just do what you have to do, depending on where you are and what circumstances dictate. Thats one interesting thing about this sport, it gives you the opportunity from time to time to learn something about yourself.

I've ridden out a broken ankle, the leg impalment, and a broken wrist at an enduro once. The only time I was taken out was when I broke my collarbone at a club ride in Hancock NY, and they would not let me ride back to my truck. Being ridden out on the back of a quad was not in the plan.:mad:

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