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(F5) 02-27-2024 01:53 AM


Steal the meat thermometer from the kitchen. When it is at its hottest check the water just be careful removing the cap, face away, use gloves. I mean it says it is cold but just be safe. Will give you a rough idea.
Or laser remote temp gauge if a mate has one.

swazi_matt 02-27-2024 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by (F5) (Post 202872)

Steal the meat thermometer from the kitchen. When it is at its hottest check the water just be careful removing the cap, face away, use gloves. I mean it says it is cold but just be safe. Will give you a rough idea.
Or laser remote temp gauge if a mate has one.

or maybe just run it with the cap off from the start to be safe.

does your bike have the expansion bottle? does the volume in there increase when it heats up?

Noobi06 02-27-2024 03:15 PM

Haha to clarify, there is snow so I am not starting it now, but during summer when it was 30 degrees celcius, it was rare for it to exceed over 40C. I mean I could touch the cylinder and everything with my hand without problems.
I have the expansion bottle, but never have I seen coolant there.
I will try put a thermometer in the radiator, that is a good idea.
Should the water be around 100Fahrenheit, or should the cylinder be?

(F5) 02-27-2024 05:50 PM

Kelvin is the proper scientific scale for measuring temperature. Centigrade is the same thing just offset 273 degrees from the point where molecules stop moving so that 0*Centigrade lines up with water freezing (at sea level and not inside a pressurised system) and 100*C boils water.

Fahrenheit is an example of dogedly following a dumb system and never admitting defeat in logic's face because dammit. .

Anyhoo, now we've cleared that up, the touch test; 50*C is OK but you can't leave your hand there all day.
60*C you have to remove your hand. 70*C you swear and shake it.

Noobi06 02-29-2024 06:15 AM

Okey. At what temperature should i shut it off? I will see if I can get my hands on a thermostat. Whats the ideal temperature range and at what range is it a possibility that my engine seizes. I am running 0.05mm piston clearance on road and according to the nicasil company, the gasgas ec 125s have a history of seizing on roads, if they run too hot

(F5) 02-29-2024 12:56 PM

A good question as it really just shouldn't happen except in calamity.
My RZ350 shot up when I reused a metal gasket. blowing head gasket will be biggest concern.

My current big bore RZ is a little marginal and has few km on it yet, it should have a fan if I had to do traffic but it was built to aim away from the city. I did get caught in roadworks as we made our way up a steep pass. As it got into the 80s I was eyeing up a safe place to park as it was quickly running upwards, but we started moving again and it dropped back down smartish.

90 was my imposed limit of safety for no real scientific reason, but it isn't a loosey goosey air cooled nail of the 1970s.

Noobi06 02-29-2024 01:24 PM

Thats good to know! Thank you, and to everyone else who has shared their opinions!

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