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Dirt Dud 12-31-2015 04:59 PM

Who Is Going To The Gym To Start Training ?
I start at 10.am Monday and will go every day how about you ?

Rod Overstreet 12-31-2015 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dirt Dud (Post 161836)
I start at 10.am Monday and will go every day how about you ?

That's a path to burn out and damage to your body. I used to be that guy in the gym by 7 AM. 20 minutes of weight training, and 20 minutes cardio, everyday...and stayed sick as a dog the entire time of my membership. Besides tearing my body down from not letting it R&R, a gym is a germ factory just waiting to attack a weak immune system. Take it easy and don't over due it.

pscook 12-31-2015 09:41 PM

I ride my bicycle to work 3 days a week (M, W, F), 33 miles round trip. Runs on the other four days, 4-5 miles T, TH; 6 miles on Saturday, and a 9-11 miler on Sunday. Bodyweight strength training on run days (strength before work, runs after). No need (or time) for a gym here!

My daughter and I took some of her friends to the mountain to go tubing. She was winded on her third trip back up the hill, her friends were all in great shape (one hockey, two swimming). I let her know that she needs an activity, so she will run with me two days a week (short runs, of course, I'm not a monster!) to get her back into reasonable condition. Too much tv, not enough physical activity.

hadfield4wd 12-31-2015 11:34 PM

Nope not me. I could stand to lose a couple pounds. My boys and I will be mountain biking a couple days a week. I'll do push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. I'll intersperse the P90X core routine a couple days a week.

I'm backpacking for 10 days in NM with my boys so I need to get in a little better shape. I could probably do it now, just don't want to work so hard when I'm there. We already backpack once a month or so, not so much as its colder now.

RBrider 01-01-2016 05:35 AM

Now that I'm one of the old guys, I firmly believe in the old saying, If you don't use it, you lose it. I'm fortunate that my wife likes to exercize too, so I've always got a workout buddy.

Our main workout is bicycling. Probably 4 or 5 days a week on level ground, with heavy head or cross winds, averaging 14/15 mph for 20 miles or so, on road bikes. If we can't ride for some reason, we've got a 3 mile loop we'll use for a quick hike, averaging 15 minute miles.

We're fortunate enough to have a place in the NC mtns, too. When we're there we bike, but for shorter distance. The hills are steep and the riding is tough, but we still try to get in 1 1/2 to 2 hr rides. Again , walking or hiking is our back up. We've got a 4 mile out and back we like to do. We've got friends that live on this route, so our average time depends on how much BS'ing we do on the way.:)

There's a trailhead for the Appalachian Trail about 3 1/2 mi form our place in the mtns, so we hike that during the summer too. Mainly with out of state friends that come for a visit. That's a great workout too.

We more or less just believe in doing something to stay active and maintaining muscle mass, cardo health and keeping the weight down.

Wishing all of us a happy and healthy new year. And success with your workout program, whatever form it takes.


Dirt Dud 01-01-2016 08:00 AM

Rod my wife just came down stairs wished me Happy New Years and said just what you said . I might want to rethink the gym since they are germ factories her exact words . Maybe it is not a great idea to go there with my system still messed up like it is ?

hadfield4wd 01-01-2016 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dirt Dud (Post 161864)
Rod my wife just came down stairs wished me Happy New Years and said just what you said . I might want to rethink the gym since they are germ factories her exact words . Maybe it is not a great idea to go there with my system still messed up like it is ?

Not a bad thought. I know when I was going to the gym I sweat all over and I would wipe stuff and I'm sure I missed plenty. I also would wipe it before I used it as well.

The most success I've ever hap was doing P90X 5 years ago. Wish I had kept it up. I was ripped. But very little cardio. So 18 months ago I bought insanity. 16 months ago I had a partial knee replacement. Never got to use it. Too much impact.

I used to race road bikes (pedal) a long time ago and I've ridden a lot of mtn bikes. It's fun and I love to be outside, plus the boys ride with me.

gasgasxc 01-02-2016 10:14 PM

Being fit is a lifestyle.
Good luck with whichever way you go.
And never take workout advice from somebody who is not in shape.
95% of those people missed that turnoff long ago.

It comes down to 2 things.

Sounds basic enough, right?

Rod Overstreet 01-03-2016 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dirt Dud (Post 161864)
Rod my wife just came down stairs wished me Happy New Years and said just what you said . I might want to rethink the gym since they are germ factories her exact words . Maybe it is not a great idea to go there with my system still messed up like it is ?

Exactly right! Too many times people go to the gym when they are deathly sick, thinking they just need to "sweat it out". Add that to the fact of dirty towels breeding bacteria and that sanitizer in the spray bottles they want you to wipe down the machines with, is usually nothing more than a generic "Fabreeze". Hotel gym's are the worse, as they seldom have proper ventilation and never get a good scrub down by housekeeping.

You are still healing dude so gve it time. Consult your doctor before you do anything, then consider using some light weight dumb bells, ankle weights and a small "step" (I use and old wooden ammo box) and come up with your own 20 minute workout there at home. I also keep a treadmill in my office. To stay motivated, play some riding / racing videos while you exercise and drink LOTS of water.

jt633 01-05-2016 08:54 PM

I went today weighed in 510' 218lb started off 2 miles brisk pace on the bike, 3 sets of 10 on bench press military and incline not sure where to really start at so I stayed at 200lb and then back to the cycle for 15min cross country at a tougher setting. def feeling worked over I'm sure there is a better system out there Thursday I will do core and some more conditioning. may be going under the knife for carpul tunnel soon too

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