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swazi_matt 09-21-2013 01:39 AM

Longevity for dirt bike riders
I intend to be riding dirt bikes with my grandchildren (my children are 2 and 6 so still a while for that) and to do that I know I will need to keep my body healthy so the idea behind this thread is to find out what things to look out for, what regular excercises are required to keep your body balanced and what sort of vitamins/supplements we should be taking. I am talking preventative measures rather than rehab. Things that are easy to make into a lifestyle not talking about becoming a fitness freak and spending 3hrs in the gym - if I do not have time for cardio fitness I will just ride easier

To kick this off the one thing I am seriously considering are the twisted eng/flexx bars to reduce stresses on my wrists I will also be taking up yoga again (but this is general conditioning and not bike specific)

bowhunter007 09-21-2013 05:37 AM

I commute by bicycle, 4-5 days weekly. Lots of hiking & backpacking in late summer/fall(hunting season). I love to swim(don't do so often enough). My diet is questionable. My doc says I'm way healthier than most men half my age...so far so good.'

webmaster 09-21-2013 06:58 AM

Having almost died from heart disease with a 100% blocked left main artery (aka the widow maker) I can pass along the following...

1. Diet
2. Regular Exercise
3. Reduced Stress
4. Get "Quality Rest" - make sure you are sleeping well. 7.5 hours a night minimum for me... If you snore - get a sleep study done to ensure you don't have sleep apnea - this is very hard on the heart.
5. If you have any depression get it treated and look at root causes to minimize them. e.g. limit alcohol, caffeine, make changes to reduce stress.
6. If you have high cholesterol or it's borderline - take a cholesterol lowering drug now versus later... Once the arteries build up with plaque - there is no easy fix...

Getting #2 will help greatly with #3 and will help with #4 as well. And the saying "stress kills" is very, very true... A happy life with friends/family will add many years on to your life.

For #1, Diet, pick meals w/ low saturated fats and limit red meat. Lots of fruits and vegetables. Both add fiber and are a natural and effective source of the vitamins and minerals your body needs - focus on this versus supplements/magic pills.

You may not feel you can do cardio regularly - but getting your heart pumping at a good rate for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week is *needed*. Burns calories to keep body fat low and increases good cholesterol (hdl) to ward off heart disease. My father is 82 and hits the gym 3 times a week and is doing great... You said you may not have time for cardio - but you need to make time as there is *no* replacement. Working out with a friend makes it easier for me - he will hassle you if you don't show up! :)

A regular routine doing something that is easy on the joints will take you a *long* ways. I prefer a recumbent bike and a high quality rowing machine - mix up the workout routine so that you don't stress one part of your body too much. For example, after my bypass surgery I solely used a treadmill and it strained my back... I have a concept 2 rowing machine and I think gasgasman has one as well... It is a smooth movement, is easy on the joints and can be performed well as a "senior".


Most supplements will only deal with a shortfall elsewhere in your life and some can cause more harm than good in the long run - nothing magic here and it's better to get your vitamins in your daily meals. The only thing I would look at is doing fish oil pills if you don't have a source of fish that contains good fatty acids. This will ward off heart disease which is your main enemy to fight to meet your goal... As you get older - start taking an aspirin a day...

Age 53 years and still here... ;)

bkwdc 09-21-2013 07:37 AM

Minimize carbs. and starches. Will contribute to inflammation. Think muscle tone and balance. Not so much gym created strength. Three things usually create heart issues; heredity, diet, lifestyle. Eat wiser, exercise, yoga, massage and blame your parents.

desertgasser300 09-21-2013 01:01 PM

In all of this, Stress is the hidden killer that most people over look. Ditch your stress or whatever stresses you out.

One supplement that work well to lower my cholesterol is Metamucil. It's just not for the elderly. It cleans you out and keeps the toxins in your bowels low.

I agree with the above post, keep the carbs down. It was AZRickD that said on here, "take a look at the starting line at the next race and check out all the carbo loaded bellies".

No late night trips to the pantry or fridge helps to(this one was hard for me)

papa_j 09-21-2013 01:16 PM

I haven't bought a pair yet but I think knee braces would go a long way to protecting the knees. You might as well get them before you jack up your knees.

Mattnzl 09-21-2013 01:19 PM

You've hopefully already seen this inspiring video of old guys riding:

GasTimppa 09-21-2013 01:53 PM

Just eat healthy food, do not stress and off course ride enough to keep ya in good physcal condition... Many people stress too much about their health that they get sick....

zeuszuki 09-21-2013 02:07 PM

All of the above + wear decent padded body armor, protect - shoulders, knees, fore arms, thighs , the major impact points. Boots , helmet , maybe neck brace are a given.
Cycling is the way to go, can you bike to work ?
When out riding your moto you should be using your legs a lot , if your not its time to start, cycling helps .
Diet . eat healthy, no carbs after 2pm , only protein and greens, drink water . The exceptions are if you are vigorously exercising , the body needs a wee top up then.

einsteingarage 09-21-2013 06:14 PM

Did you notice the new enduro he bought was a gasser. In the YouTube video that is

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