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houndog 01-15-2013 11:49 PM

How do you think this felt?
Hey guys while reading through this board I got almost queasy reading some of the bad stuff you guys have endured. The knee thread hit home....never had work done on mine but for about a year decades ago I twisted it (both actually at different times) and it would lock up. Wore a brace. Fixed itself...oh they are not hooked well together but no pain. Anyway, here are some images to amuse you, they are the result of sheer stupidity. The first is of my knee...I ran into a big c clamp hooked to my electronics bench in the middle of the night. Dead on the knee cap. I think I "broke it". This was several days after the hit. Notice the round bruise that formed on the side of my knee. I do not bruise easily. I'm almost 57 and very skinny and boney.

The next pics are the result of my foot slipping off the kick starter of my CR 250. Hit the foot peg with my full body weight. Hit it so hard it did not even really hurt but I knew it was "bad". So I did exactly what anyone would do. I did not look at it and instead went and got the 300 out and rode for about an hour.

First image is what I saw that night when I got back and looked at it.
No ice, no pain stuff...it was "numb". Second image is the next evening. I then figured I should start icing it.
Took about 5 days to get back to normal (sort of) and as it did these purple bands formed on my leg and my heel turned purple.

Probably should have gone to a doctor?

Compared to stuff some of you have gone through my problems were trivial but amusing in the stupidity. Who in the Hell hurts them self starting the bike!?


twowheels 01-16-2013 12:44 AM

Dude, that's gnarly!

pscook 01-16-2013 12:45 AM

I can't see the pics at work, but I slipped off my kicker and gouged myself something fierce on the footpeg. A soccer mom asked "did you get gored by a bull?" It took about two months to get to a reasonable state of healing. Big bubble of something, hard knot of scar tissue under the skin, ick.

houndog 01-16-2013 01:36 AM

2wheels, it got me a lot of sympathy from the wife and daughter :) I milked it for all I could get. I got used to saying "Sidney, snag me a beer", poor thing, she really got tired of that :). I pretended it was killing me and hobbled around like an old man when she and the wife were home.

Phil, I feel better knowing someone else has been as careless:)

It was surprising that there was so little actual pain. The skin was tender but the bone felt numb at the same time.

A little more of the complete story and it's a little funny too.....I did that when I pulled in the driveway to switch bikes..... I'd just come back from a ride and while going down this dirt road I frequent and a guy runs out and flags me down. He's a tattooed redneck and apparently he'd seen me waive at his girlfriend "Dawn" (a hot fully tattooed biker girl) a few days earlier. I always slow down and waive at people who live on the dirt roads. I did not realize it was Dawn from "the Family Mart" because their trailer is pretty far off the road.

Well, he's pissed because apparently Dawn has been having "visitors" and he thought me riding up and down the road was a "signal" to her. So he's a little aggressive acting and this makes me a little less friendly as well. He's got no shirt on and I have a KelTec PMR 30 with a full magazine under mine so I'm not the least bit worried. I get off the bike and spell it out for him. He becomes reasonable when he realizes he's made a mistake. Tells me to stop by for a beer sometime. I say OK.

Then I bang the shin and don't ride for 2 1/2 weeks or so. First time on the bike I ride over to his place. Dawn had split by then. He comes out the trailer and says "wassup". I say "Jason, I guess you noticed I've not been by your house since we last had words" He says "yea, I did". I say look what I did 10 minutes after I left last time. I pulled my pants up and he said "holy shit, what in the Hell did you do". So I told him and said "I came by to bring you a beer and let you know I'm not a pussy and was not screwing around with your girl, I figured you thought one or the other" He said "well, I did, but damn man, that looks like it hurt, no wonder I ain't seen you" I showed him the images.

See, I made a new (probably dangerous) friend from the injury!

GMP 01-16-2013 08:12 AM

I have stuff that will make your skin crawl, ask Cruiser.:eek:

bowhunter007 01-16-2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by GMP (Post 102787)
I have stuff that will make your skin crawl, ask Cruiser.:eek:

I took a barend in the groin last year, wrestling my 300, during a highspeed cartwheel through the brush. It was nearly an hour before I worked up the nerve...to drop my pants and check to see if everything was where I left it. I almost passed out with relief, to see my plumbing still intact. A doctor's visit conformed...I'm a worse rider than I thought, but no permanent injury.

houndog 01-16-2013 05:03 PM

BowHunter, thank you for not posting pictures :) I know what you mean, I did not look at the shin when I switched bikes. By the time I did that spot of blood had gotten through my thermals and jeans.

You at least had a legitimate crash and "earned" your injury. Nothing amusing about that, you could have bent something on the bike :)

I posted my stupidity because it was just plain stupid and therefore amusing.

GMP, if it's the result of stupidity, I'm all in! but if you twisted something around during a race I can't laugh at it!

Here's one, scraped me up....pulled to stop sign, went to put my foot down, shoelace caught the peg. Fell right over and it drew blood. Random act of stupidity, again.

I seldom fall down if riding (once on 450 in 1.5 k miles and no real crashes on the 300 in 5k miles) but seem to be able to hurt myself at a standstill!


Jakobi 01-16-2013 05:24 PM

I was removing the kick starter off the shaft. Had the starter pivotted out towards me and wriggling it off while kneeling infront of it. When it came off one guess what happened :o

Cracked myself fair in the cheek bone just below my eye. Black eye, opened up the skin. That sound of metal on bone isn't nice. Like the rest of you all. I finished what I was doing before going to inspect the damage. Nice little trail of blood running down my face. Good one Jake!

Lucky it wasn't a cm higher!

GMP 01-17-2013 07:58 AM


Not stupidity, just a freak accident and bad luck hammering the trails at a good pace near Cruiser's house.

Diggs345 01-17-2013 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by bowhunter007 (Post 102832)
I took a barend in the groin last year, wrestling my 300, during a highspeed cartwheel through the brush. It was nearly an hour before I worked up the nerve...to drop my pants and check to see if everything was where I left it. I almost passed out with relief, to see my plumbing still intact. A doctor's visit conformed...I'm a worse rider than I thought, but no permanent injury.

How funny would it have been if you did pass out with pants down by your ankles to wake up to the sight of a passing stranger :D , try explaining that one :eek:

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