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akjustin 11-19-2007 07:07 AM

Prices in Europe!!!
I have moved to Greece for the next couple of years. While packing up to leave I decided to sell my beloved 2003 EC 300 with the intention of buying a true EC here in europe. I had not considered the possibility that prices here in Europe would be unbelievably more expensive than in the US. I went out and priced a 08 EC 300 yesterday and it was 7680 euro. That works out to well over 10,000 us dollars. This makes no sense with how weak the dollar is today. Thinking this may be isolated to gasgas I priced the orange competition. OMG! They are asking 8660 euro for a 300 EXC. Thats 12,903 us dollars at todays exchange rate. What's the deal, it sure can't be shipping. Oh and all these prices are before the 19% tax. Any dealers out there willing to ship to Europe or arrange a european delivery from Spain? I am already suffuring moto withdrawl.:eek:

thelonius 11-19-2007 10:58 AM

Wow! What are you doing in Greece? I have been a couple of times, may go again this year. The terrain looks unbelieveable for off-road riding there! If you are in Athens have you noticed how crazy motorcycle riders drive on the streets?

GMP 11-19-2007 11:40 AM

A tariff on foreign vehicles perhaps?

jeffd 11-19-2007 12:55 PM

FYI - the isde is in greece next year...


roostafish 11-19-2007 11:52 PM

! Is there lots of rocks? Just got a handful of screws out of my ankle last week. I already feel the difference. Maybe I should give it another go.

akjustin 11-20-2007 11:17 AM

I am over here for work for the next 2-5 years. It has been an amazing experience thus far. Indeed the motorcycle and scooter riders are absolutly insane. I have alrady schedualed vacation time for all six days of ISDE. Waayy excited! Thelonius if you make it back p.m and we will see about hooking up for a ride. Cheers, Justin

tprnottp 11-20-2007 10:25 PM

Welcome to the wonderful world of Socialism. As you may already know, Greece has a socialist government, which means, it firmly believes in high taxation to, in part, redistribute wealth.
What you're seeing price-wise, are the effects of hefty taxation on what may possibly be considered by the Greek government as a luxury item; and, if I'm not mistaken, the Greek government uses the "value-added" (aka "Flat Tax") tax rate system.
I'm curious, have you tried exploring the used bike market in Greece? If their tax structure is similar to a recently proposed US tax makeover--known as the "Fair Tax Act"--sales of used items could possibly be tax-free, or at least at a reduced tax rate. If you're lucky, you might find that the "used" market is the way to go. And, since you're only going to be in Greece for a couple of years--why not buy used???

Good luck,

'03 EC 300

thelonius 11-20-2007 11:09 PM

Where exactly are you in Greece?

Link 11-21-2007 05:20 PM

If you want to make Greece a bargin...go to England first.. The US dollar sucks just about evey where right now from Canada to the land down under were weak. I've been traveling off & on for about 30 years & I can't remember ever seeing the dollar so friggen low. Be careful you'll get used to seing the Euro prices & forget the rate & start using the plastic & when the bill comes it's heart attack time. Take a trip to Spain you moght get lucky.
Have fun over there!!

barkeater 11-21-2007 05:21 PM

Social engineering through taxation. Dirt bikes are bad for the environment, you know. Plus, you might hurt yourself and use more than your fair share of the universal healthcare system. Really, when you think about it, they're doing you a favor by pricing them out of your reach. :rolleyes:

Enough politics... back to motorsickles...:D

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