Thread: jetting??
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Old 01-28-2013, 07:37 AM
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Jakobi Jakobi is offline
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Leaning it out again

If I recall you started off running something like 40 N3CH#3 175 and then eventually ended up at 42/45 N3CH#3 180 didn't you? There was a change from the FMF silencer to a house of horsepower/cannon too?

I'd start where you're noticing it most, which from post above is the smaller throttle openings. Come out on the Air Screw to 3-3.5 turns and see if its a leap in the right direction. If so go one smaller, start at 1.5 turns and let the judgement begin.

Also quick checks, any adjustment to PV during pull down? Is it operating smoothly? Good preload? especially at rest/idle? If its got slop it'll eat your bottom end out big time. How'd the reed petals look? You've got to be getting a few hours on them now too. I found one frayed pretty badly at some point. Think it was around 85-100hrs but would have to check records to be certain.
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