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Old 11-30-2007, 05:37 PM
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SpeedyManiac SpeedyManiac is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: On the seat of my Gasser. Or Rossland, BC
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Default I think I have a problem

I've only been back for 2 days from the 07 ISDE, yet I'm already planning my race season next year, including going to the 08 ISDE in Greece. There's 6 inches of snow on the ground and it's below freezing outside, yet I keep thinking about studding up a pair of tires and going riding. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs from last season, lost a girlfriend due to my race schedule, and all I can think about is I need to start preparing for next season. I drive a rusty 89 Toyota 4Runner, but I have a pimped out 07 GasGas EC250 and a still good 01 EC200 sitting in the garage. I rarely go out partying anymore (weekends are for racing!), my non-riding friends think I've fallen off the face of the earth, and the only way my family sees me is if they come to the races with me. Right now, my line of credit is maxed, same for my credit card; my life savings are non-existent, unless you look out in the garage. All of this in pursuit of a dream that only comes true for a select few.

My friends think I'm nuts. My parents think I need to re-evaluate my decisions. I just think I need to go riding.
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