Thread: Lectron Carb
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Old 05-29-2013, 01:01 PM
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Default Crazy

Everyone is so defensive over the apt. I've known about lectrons since I had a set on a gs1100 I owned Back then they were known as race carbs. After the apt hooplah I heard that the lectron made carbs for dirt bikes I was planning on getting an apt but .......I couldnt unless I wanted to shell out 800 bucks now I hate jetting but 800 is steep esp. since the other apt will be 1/2 that and the lectron is also. I'll tell you I had a bunch of problems with the throttle cable and was a little dissatisfied with the fact I had to wait and shell out more $$.BUT... Once I had that thing on and set it ran Awesome!!
I took it off because of the cable problems (thing broke???) But I plan on putting back on as I loved the way my bike ran with it on.I like the way my bike runs now but loved the way it ran with the lectron.F'n cable issue!
If you hate jetting ,want a bike that pulls smooth from idle to top and you want your bike to be like that now ,not the end of summer or who knows when and want to spend 400 not 800 I'd recommend the lectron.
I own a couple bikes and when the apt comes out I'll try it too. I'm not 100%
satified with my overall lectron experience and that makes me not want to recommend it ,but it worked great and despite me not being completely happy
I want you guys that cant get your bikes perfect,hate jetting,etc. to know this is a real option thats for real and available now.I've been on the other forums and most guys seem to love them.I'm not on a bandwagon If I'd have known this years ago I would have had one then.I sent my carb out to be worked on for not much less than the cost of a lectron .Wish I knew then.
I don't sell em either.Just the opinion of a regular Joe who would rather ride his bike then wrench on it.
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