Thread: sponsorhouse?
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:17 AM
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SERA has a National on March 16th.

Boomhauer and myself will be providing the Gas Gas pit support.
Thats great I look foward to meeting you and Boomhauer.

I went to that event last year when I started out doing the series but after 8 hours of driving it was canceled due to a torrential down pour.

But in hind site it was a good thing because the following weekend me and some of my riding buds went to a local riding area that has a MX track and a 6mile trail loop to get in some practice and after 12-15 miles of riding and as I was on the MX track waiting for the guys to gear up the stuffer screw came out and locked up the motor, now had I have been in the race it would have made for a super long day and a crappy weekend.

I've been dragging my feet to get it fixed and back togther but I finally got all the parts and hopefully this Sunday I will be lighting the candle and looking foward to a great 08 series.
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