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Old 12-29-2013, 12:21 PM
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Default Kill switch issues - better one to use?

I read through the search results and found some folks replaced their kill switch with an aftermarket unit. Before doing that, want to check and see if anyone else tried replacing the spring with a stiffer piece.

It's an '11 EC200 and the kill switch is actually the horn (which doesn't make sense, but I guess it's a result of being road legal in some areas). The bike doesn't have a horn.

Anyway, I found out the hard way during a ride two days ago that the kill switch wasn't disengaging; though I did relearn a valuable lesson to check the simple things before going deep (after checking plug and several other potential

I ended up pulling the whole thing apart, including the wires. In retrospect, that was stupid as I could have simply pulled the brass plate out of the switch to break contact.

So, I need to grind it down and re-solder, but thought I'd check for any other ideas before I did that. If there's a stronger spring for the return, that would be easier than getting a new switch wired in and attached to the bars.

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