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Old 10-14-2014, 10:36 AM
earlystock earlystock is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Odessa Wa, USA
Posts: 35

I believe that it is worth the money without doubt. I have one on my 300 sense it is plated and I can monitor the temp and hours on it. I have never tried to import any maps on it, I tend to just ride everything and let it do the mapping for me. Downloading maps I think would be overwhelming when trying to find a way back out of the woods, even with just the single track and main trails that I have recorded where I do most of my riding it gets confusing. The one huge advantage that I have found for the voyager is races, I tend to make wrong turns when its dust or following someone who turns the wrong way in front of me, just put in a different card if you already have the trails marked there and log the track on a prerun and makes getting lost a thing of the past.
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