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Old 03-07-2008, 10:16 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 62
Default BIKE UPDATE 200 ec

Originally Posted by Skidad View Post
Where's the info from the Gas Gas guys on the event and how the bikes worked. Calling Billy Burns......

Skidad in MA
Sorry for the delay!!!!!

Well here goes....

Mark from Go-fasters got Spain to send over a new head,reedcage,CDI box and ignition. He made the changes and re-jetted the bike. During the first 2 test sections I didn't feel like it made a difference in low end power. Then I hit the 3rd section which was very open and high revving and I discovered the problem. The bikes motor started to pop and I was unable to get it up in the rpm's so I short shifted to save the engine and finish the race. After that third section I told Mark what it was doing and he was right on it with checking the plug. Well it was white white and completely dry, meaning way to LEAN! Lucky for me the first 2 sections were tight and we weren't up in the revs. We didn't have time to change the main so Mark raised the needle and off I went to catch up with Jim. Well after that the bike was near perfect. It had just about all the low end grunt that I wanted and it was alot smoother out of the corners. We'll be changing the main for LA and adding the rekluse as well as going up 2 teeth (48 to 50) on the rear sprocket. That should make it perfect in the corners and it should suit my riding style. I am very excited to get back on the bike. I have gone from 6th at RD#1 to 4th at Rd#2 and I'm hoping to move up and get a top 3. More important to me is that we finished a race that we may not have due to a mechanical issue. I can finish better and continue to hope that I can prove it to everyone. My 200EC is feeling better and better to me and I know that we are getting real close with the setup. If the courses could get a little rougher and more technical I think that I would do better or close the gap on the 1st two guys in my class. At the 1st Rd I was 18 points back of my class winner and 70th something overall. At Rd #2 I trimmed it down to 7 points back in my class and 52nd overall. I was happy with that and really see it only getting closer...I hope!!!! My goal for Rd #3 is a top 3 in class and to be inside the top 50 overall. In closing, I'm having fun, I'm hoping to prove to people that a 40 yr old can run with the kids, and I really do like the bike. My Gas Gas 200 EC is just as good as any bike out there and the last time that I looked there were over 400 KTMs entered and I beat around 370 of them. So as I have said before it is me not the bike and both of us will get better with time!

Thanks for all of the support and interest,
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