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Old 03-08-2015, 09:44 PM
steve steve is offline
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Posts: 114

Originally Posted by Todd5774 View Post
Do people believe every rumour they hear?

I heard that anyone that rides a yamaha has the left ball bigger than the right one... It's definitely true as I read it on the Internet!

Get a grip peeps who cares if gasgas gets bought by someone else? They will still make bikes, and if you don't like the bike they build, then buy something else, bigger things to worry about, like I've got a leaky tap..
Your right on the worrying part , but KTM will scrap the enduroe bikes ,or do worse and throw WP on them, and just keep the trials division ,ready made just put WPs and KTM sticker on it !

Personally I would like to see one of the Japenese companies by it ,leave the basic bike structure alone so they would have a true endure bike, green ,red blue or yellow who cares !

Just think throw nothing but a KTM sticker on it and it would instantly be the best bike made and the posers would argue 'till the end of time that the sticker made all the difference in performance !
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