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Old 04-19-2015, 10:15 AM
thumperflipper thumperflipper is offline
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Default Heavy GG

The Baja Trophy Truck racing fabricators also debate about light vs heavy... Some try to shave weight everywhere they can, others don' if you build a lighter truck it all sounds better initially but lighter at trophy truck speeds (read: 100-140 MPH) causes it's own set of problems...So some of the big names are not trying to shave weight, yet they are still winning...I think it's the same with bikes...I'm no engineer, but the more I ride the more I realize my bike needs to be heavier than me, or at least the majority of the mass be LOW on the bike, especially in deep sand and prolonged chop... If I'm heavier than my bike, then the majority of the mass of weight is above the bike, and seems more difficult to control in certain conditions.

Riding a KTM300 or KDX220 (lighter bikes) over rocky terrain the bike bounces all around and gets deflected easily by sand ruts or rocks. More difficult to keep on line. Then ride my gasser and it seems much more stable/planted. Almost like a 4T but with the bulk of the mass lower on the bike.

What do you guys think?

The only time I wish my gasser was lighter is when I have to pick it up LOL.
07 GG EC300
11 GG EC300E
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