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Old 05-21-2015, 08:07 PM
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Jakobi Jakobi is offline
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Also remember, this site is not for profit run 100% completely by Jeff (Webmaster) for us.

As a moderator here I am proud to say that the title is hardly even fitting. I don't think I have done much more than identify a spam post here or there that sneaks through the filters. I will however support Jeff when it comes to the moderation of threads/posts/posters - it's not something we particularly enjoy doing, and definitely not something that is done for kicks. There is generally some negotiation behind the scene's and the forum moderators come to a conclusion between ourselves on what is best for the forum as a whole (not for the moderators, not for the users, but for all of us - including the brand).

Even as a mod, I'm guilty of sharing my opinion when it's not necessarily in line with what is best for the brand - I like to call a spade a spade! But also, I try my best to keep those posts balanced with some positives as it achieves nothing to simply continue beating a dead horse in the hope that something changes. I ask that those who are as passionate about these bikes as I am also do the same thing and take a little time to consider where a thread may go, or try to specify the direction you want. The less work the moderators have to do the better!

The post above by firffighter sums it up perfectly, and the attached post by Jeff a few pages back gives about as much insight into the business negotiations as we end users are going to find out. I appreciate we get told what we do.
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