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Old 04-28-2008, 10:11 PM
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tm_enduro tm_enduro is offline
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thanks for replying. I'm sure the handling issues were related to lack of setup, but I wasn't about to get out my tools and start playing with someone elses bike (unless asked to).
As a a faster rider (former AA racer), being 6'-1" and being a rider that stands alot with a forward weight bias, I often find that borrowed bikes are mushy and scary in the front and tend to dive. I assume that you meant that you reduced the amount of fork leg sticking above the triple clamp? I find that many riders spend lots of time setting the rear sag to get it "perfect", but leave performance on the table because they have no idea how much of a difference moving the forks up or down 1/8" can make.
The motor and wheel mods are good choices, although the stock 300 is sweet, and at over 40 yrs age, my days of making wheels look like stop signs are about over.
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