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Old 02-18-2016, 03:58 AM
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Originally Posted by barossi73 View Post
The p valve gaskets are included in a topend gasket kit.mine came away clean at dissamble(topend)so i reused them(figured it would be pretty obvious and a 5min fix if they were no good - weeping oil,and that if i needed to get at/clean pv before i was due a piston i had new spares).took no chances with base gasket and orings due to the amount of time/effort in replacing them and the increased 'what if..?' factor
Same as how I roll. Happy to re-use PV gaskets unless obviously torn. No issues with reusing the stator gasket either.

Any time cylinder comes off I replace the base gasket. Have considered re-using head O-rings but never bothered for what they cost. I would in a bind.

Water pump gasket never comes off clean. Always replaced.

To the OP. Your decision re top end. I toast a 250 piston and rings to the point I can notice the decline in snap and bottom end in 65hrs. I have however ran them up to 110hrs and the ring ends were then beyond spec... but everyone is different. In many cases you don't really notice the decline in performance until you replace it... and then its WOW for a couple rides at least
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