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Old 07-14-2016, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by liv2day View Post
Hey Russ -

That's ironic timing, I'm heading up to the Giff next Wednesday; my buddy's flying in from WI and there's a small group of us camping at Council Lake Wed-Sun. After looking at some of the pics on the forest service site, I'm a bit worried about what the trails are going to be like given all the flood damage on the roads, but we'll see. If you get a wild hair, we'll be at Council Lake in one of the bigger sites.

And possibly more ironic, I just ordered another Kenda equilibrium to put on my wife's GG200 that my buddy Jim will be riding. I've been running it on my bike and it's frickin' awesome. Not the best tire for ripping around the desert, but it's outstanding in Tillamook - couldn't believe how easy it was going up and over stuff. Definitely a great tire for the coastal woods, I'll be sticking with it.

That's so funny Brad!

I'm working extra shifts next week unfortunately, so probably no Gifford for me, but have fun and look forward to a report especially with all of the winter damage. Planning in trying to hit Blue Lake area again in August if we can get to everything.

That's great news on the Equilibrium. I'm excited to try it out.
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