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Old 06-01-2008, 10:47 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: interior b.c. canada
Posts: 245

well just like wideglide ,ah i mean widebear i've been riding since march. i augered myself head fist into the dirt over a log jump warmin' up for a race in mid april.pulled,stretched,ripped and tore a bunch of stuff in my neck&,rt shoulder area. that one hurt,big time!! i took a couple weeks off and i'm just now getting back to regular pace of riding. but we get to ride at least one evening and a saturday/and or a sunday ride every week. so 2 or 3 hr's on wed nite and 4/5 hrs on a weekend can add up to a lot of saddle time over a season! some weeks we will double those #'s. but i did 60 km's today with a couple buddies on some pretty fast stuff mixed with tight single track and that took almost 3hr's.
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