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Old 09-30-2017, 02:13 PM
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Davehuge Davehuge is offline
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: English but now based in South of France.
Posts: 476

Thanks for the advice/info Jakobi and F5.

Against your advice F5... I decided to persevere with the N1EG needle, only because I had time on my hands today and don't have easy access to any other needles at the moment.

To my surprise I managed to dial my jetting in just where I want it, I'm really pleased with the results.

I know the N1EG Needle gets a lot of negative remarks, but together with a 38 Pilot Jet, it's transformed my bike.

It idles nice, it's clean and crisp straight from idle to all throttle positions, pulls hard. I'm having to adjust my riding position, sitting further forward to help keep the front wheel on the ground.

Maybe I've just dropped lucky and the N1EG suits my carb/bike. It's a well used 2004 EC300.

One thing I noticed is it's very sensitive to clip position. On notch 4 it won't start properly, keeps wetting the plug. At notch 3 and 2 it won't pull cleanly at 50% to 75% throttle. At notch 1 it works great.


2004 EC300 with PWK38 AS1 Carb
38 Pilot
Air Screw 1 turn out
N1EG Needle Clip at 1 (leanest)
170 Main Jet
Throttle slide No.7 (Stock)

Running on 98 Octane Unleaded from the supermarket petrol station.

Ipone Samourai 100% Synthectic or Motorex Power Cross 100% Synthetic both at 2% (50:1)

I'm in South of France, 15'C to 35'C at altitude 0 to 1000m

Last edited by Davehuge; 10-07-2017 at 05:13 AM.
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