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Old 12-09-2017, 04:26 AM
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RBrider RBrider is offline
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Originally Posted by sneaky98gt View Post
Thanks for the help guys. This is exactly what I was hoping for.

If you find yourself up here and looking for a riding partner, let me know. Most of my time is spent in NC (Brown, Brushy Mountain).

And no need to worry about putting down the Honda! Haha. Because of the low seat height, E-start, very mellow power, and overall small size, I don't think there's a better bike on the planet for someone to learn how to ride offroad on. With just a tiny bit of investment into the suspension, it really is an excellent entry level bike.

And then, after learning the basics, it's still a great bike to really start to learn more advanced skills on. Because it's so underpowered, and because even a fully reworked suspension is still only 3/4 the size of a proper suspension, you're practically forced to become very proficient with the clutch, and carry more momentum into corners / hills, and be smarter when it comes to picking lines. In the end, I 100% believe that spending a couple years on this bike has made me a MUCH better rider than I would be if I would have started out on some sort of full size, 50 horsepower enduro bike.

But, all of that said, I ABSOLUTELY recognize that it has it's limitations. I used to be one of those guys that said it could do anything that any other bike out there could do. Then, I raced it a few times, including in an extreme enduro, and I realized that no matter how easy it might be to ride, it's not capable of doing the things a proper enduro bike can do.

So that's why I'm here, looking for something to replace it. Something to address it's deficiencies, without giving up too many of the things that make it an extremely easy bike to ride.

Will keep y'all updated on what pans out.
I haven't ridden Brushy or Brown's yet, but would like to. We try to spend the summers in WNC, so you might be hearing from me. Maybe I'll bring along a couple other old guys that I ride with up in that area. My grandson, who's closer to your age, visits from out of state , he & I ride together too. He's rides my EXC 450 like it's 125 M/X'er.

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