Thread: cranky
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Old 07-12-2006, 11:14 PM
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roostafish roostafish is offline
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Happy to report, I've done this lots of times, and you'll be very pleased at how easy it is. Put that left case half in the oven (make sure you wash the heck out of it first so your wife doesn't kill you for the smell) It will need to reach 300 degrees of surface temperature, so crank the heat to about 310 degrees F. Leave it in there 'till you hear the race fall out. The aluminum expands quicker than the steel, and it should fall right out. Too bad the whole bearing wasn't still in there, 'cause the weight helps it fall out, but it should work anyway. It may take an hour to heat the case up that much, so don't worry about getting up tight about it not falling out after 15 minutes. You'd be well served to check the temp of the case with an infrared thermometer if you have one available, you'd be amazed at how long it takes to get that surface temperature up.
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