Thread: Radiator pipes
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Old 01-16-2009, 08:36 AM
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d2w d2w is offline
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I had great success pulling my distorted pipe back into shape (so that it no longer touched the rad hoses) by using two loops of 1/2" rope and the racheting heavy-duty bumper jack from my truck. I looped the rope through the areas I wanted to pull apart, and then put one end of a loop under the foot of the jack and the other loop on the jack arm. I then slowly extended the jack. I could reposition the ropes as needed to pull out the distorsions. The neck tube was also slightly distorted, but it was quickly corrected by putting it into a vise chuck and slightly squishing it at 90 degrees to the crumple. In the end my pipe fit as good a new. And a no-cost solution too.

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