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Old 01-28-2009, 10:47 PM
nitroman nitroman is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Young NSW Australia
Posts: 27

Well i tried to fire the gasser up today and no joy, the thing sounded weird and just didn't want to fire. i pulled off the cam cover and wound it round to tdc using a screwdriver in the plug hole and found that the cams were 1 tooth out. i made the mistake of relying on the crankshaft position with the old stretched chain. I loosened off the tensioner undid the cam cradles and adjusted the cam timing.
When I got it back together it fired up really easy and sounded quieter internally than it ever has!
I just took it for a burn around town and found it more responsive and .has more torque and a wider spread of power (due to using more of the cam lobes i suppose). There is much less engine noise and it has fixed the annoying occasional backfire when backing off the gas quickly.
It was a worthwhile repair and I reccomend you check your valve clearances if your bike feels off song.
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