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Old 08-31-2009, 05:44 PM
Skele Skele is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 10

Thanks for the replies guys.

Stupid question,
BUT, it is not the fuel cap blocked therefore not allowing vacuum for fuel???
Try releasing or undoing cap and see what happens.
Had similar occurances on a road racer.
Cheers Mark
I forgot to mention that i have checked for a blockage in the breather hose, tried starting it without the entire fuel cap even. Also tried pulling off the fuel hose and letting the fuel run through, no blockages there.

Turn the gas on!

It sounds like you covered all the bases but then again I'm no expert.

Check the carb boot for air leak???
Checked the boot for an air leak too.

Originally Posted by jostby View Post
I 2nd this idea. Or loose stator and the timing slipped? All of this had to have been removed for the bottom end part of the rebuild. Some on this board have even had issues with the left side crank seal falling out after a poor installation.

Let us know what you find. Good luck.

I had also pulled the side cover off to check the nut and it was tight. HOWEVER, i haven't tried pulling the flywheel off. Maybe the key was not reinserted after the rebuild? I think it was pretty wedged in it's slot though, i know i never took it out! I don't have a flywheel puller, that's why i haven't tried yanking it off yet...But i agree, it does sound like some sort of timing issue.

I also realize that it sounds strange that i was in 4th gear down a road TEN MINUTES after starting it for the first time since a rebuild (i.e. not breaking it in). Only parts replaced in the bike were seals, bearings, piston rings, all gaskets and about half the gearbox (HUGE damage in the gearbox was the reason for the rebuild). So i didn't see the need for a full break in process, however i was only revving to about half the maximum revs. I was taking it very easy.

I should probably also properly check the compression with a gauge. I REALLY hope i haven't got a piston seizure. I'll probably kill someone.
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