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Old 04-19-2010, 05:35 PM
smstewart smstewart is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 5
Default Rear Shock Spring--Where Am I? Where Do I Go?

Have an '01 EC250 with an Ohlins rear shock and WP forks. After softening the compression in the forks, dropping them 2 cm in the clamps and dialing in more compression for the rear, I am thinking I need a stiffer spring for the rear shock. Preload has perhaps another 1-2 cm left on the current spring and am thinking I should not be using all of it to get the desired results. The current spring is marked 596-09 MA038 I THINK. Not completely sure if I am able to read the markings correctly as they may have rubbed off or been bashed by debris during riding but hope I gave enough there so that one of the more knowledgable among this group can offer some insight.
I weigh about 210 with gear on and want more cush for the technical stuff. Big air and/or G-outs and me do not mix. Would appreciate knowing what spring I have now and which, if any, I should replace it with. Anybody who has one and is looking to part with it would be icing on the cake.

Many Thanks!
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