Thread: '07 Mc 125
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:14 PM
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roostafish roostafish is offline
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I'm a good bit lighter than 200lbs. 125s work for me, but there's a reason I ride a 250. It's easier. 125's are plenty capable for someone of my weight (160lbs). In fact, if I rode at China Hat (central Oregon High desert) all the time, I'm faster on a 125, 'cause you just hold it open and row, just dodge the pine trees.
I've always been able to go right up the hills. I used to race a KTM 125, then a Husky 125. Out in the Tillamook burn area, where the ground is slick, and the hills are long and steep, littered with roots and rocks, I had no problem going right up. Momentum is your friend on a 125.
I honestly think that you could have a lot of fun on a 125, but if I were to choose a bike for you, I'd probably go to a bigger steed. However, I know a dude who's 225lbs, and swears by 125's. He also swears by Honda's, so his sanity is in question. After proofreading this, it's kind of disjointed, but the information is what was intended.
Mike Sheetz
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