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Old 02-05-2011, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Gerko View Post
Thanks alot that makes perfect sense now. This looks like its been like that for ages, but its hard to tell. Do you know exactly what it does (when does it release compression) ? Will it run without it .
Do you have trouble starting it? GG's aren't great starters at the best of time but without the decompressor working must be harder still. I'm not sure what effect missing that part will have. If it means it doesn't decompress then it wont hurt when running. If it's always decompressing then it might not be good. Would certainly be down on power and if it means you get blow by the exhaust valve it could be damaging the valve and seat. The decompressor is designed to lower compression only during low rpm while starting so that the lightweight starter and battery can turn the engine over. Once it fires it should spin fast enough that the decompressor stops operating - I assume it works on some sort of centrifugal basis like the PV but to be honest I don't really know.
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