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Old 12-21-2011, 03:24 AM
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Jakobi Jakobi is offline
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Your squish band is the distance between the outer edge of the piston at TDC and the head itself. You want to be somewhere between 1.2mm-1.8mm depending on what characteristics you are looking for. Tighter = snappier stronger power but may require more stable fuel loads. IE Race gas.

Moving the cylinder by a certain amount will then also effect the squish by that same amount so its best to settle on the number of base gaskets you want before machining the head. I personally set the exhaust port flush with the top of the piston at BDC. This gives a mellow bottom end with a strong mid - top.

Then compression ratio has to be set depending on what you want to achieve. I increased compression which then gives some more back to the bottom - mid range.

All this talk makes me wonder if I really want to buy a 2012 and go through it all again Ahh of course I do!
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