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Old 08-09-2012, 03:14 AM
wakeymatt wakeymatt is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 66
Default Anybody have an 02/03 450 FSE that actually works ?

Ok after reading the forum quite a bit i'm not filled with optimism for my gasser. I bought it a while back but its never been on the road for more than a couple of days, I'm slowly fixing all the things that where wrong when I bought it but it looks like this model is fundamentally flawed when it come to starting either from the E start or from the kick.
Whats the point in having a bike you can't start or won't re start consistently ?
I originally bought the bike not knowing much about them other than owning a DRZ and feeling it was to heavy so the gasser seemed like a perfect solution.
I'm seriously considering ripping the gasser lump out and putting a DRZ one in, has this been done before ?
I could cut my losses and sell the bike on but I wouldn't feel good putting somebody else in my position unless they know what they were getting into.
Perhaps i'm just being paranoid and it will run sweet in the end but I sure would like to here from some other owners out there
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