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Old 09-15-2012, 01:47 AM
19brendan81 19brendan81 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 32

Thanks for the input everyone. Crank seals diem.t change anything. I was at a loss to explain what was going on when a saw an 05 300 for sale in my city. The seller was a good bloke and let me take it for a test ride to compare it with mine. I can tell you all that my bike goes heaps harder than this stock 05 did. Leading me to believe there is noting wrong with my bike at all.

unfortunately, at the end of test riding my bike i washed out the front wheel and folded my leg in half at the knee. Im writing this from my couch with a big bag of ice on said knee. I suspect i have torn my acl again. Will see doctors during the week. Its a cruel sport dirt biking.
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