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Old 11-26-2012, 12:37 AM
n_green n_green is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 675

Changed to a 40 pilot jet, air screw adjusted to 1.25 turns seemed to be pretty close although even then on occasion the 'rev method' of tuning the air screw would result in a slight hesitation/bog.

Rode it with those settings - 40P, AS1.25to, JD Red #3, 168 main. Left the idle screw alone. When hot the bike idled quite low, so low on some steep downhills I thought it had stalled it was that quiet, it also didn't like really slow speeds in gears.

The bottom is slightly better then with the 38 pilot, although it still lacks the torque of the blue needle and required noticeably more clutch to get it to pull up steep hills in second gear. It even stalled when lugging it right down which it never did with the blue needle.

On downhills especially steep first and second gear descents I noticed a lot of pipe bang (what exactly is this a sign of if anything?) Mainly occured when the throttle was closed and I was using the engine to brake (as much as can be done with a 2smoke) down the hill.

Again, thinking may still be lean, I do have my head modded and squish corrected which usually requires one step richer pilot correct? I'll throw a 42 pilot in it next weekend.

Fuel economy improved again - used 7.5l of fuel for 85k's riding. 65k's of that was tight singletrack with loads of hills, some snotty most 2nd gear. The last 20 was fire trail/tar road.

Still not sure if I like this needle. It seems to deliver the power in a 'peaky' fashion, not buttery smooth like the blue needle, which makes it hard to ride with finesse through the tighter single.
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