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Old 11-27-2012, 07:02 AM
jgas jgas is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 149
Default Mitas trials tires?

I got one from a buddy who got it from Guy Cooper at a bike trade show. Coop liked it, and so do I, but I can't find them for sale. I found online that the company used to be called CGS, and had some affiliation with Barum/Trelleborg, I think. Kind of reading between the lines.

I found 4 styles of off road tires from Mitas but all are similar to Continental TKC 80s in appearance. The company also makes agricultural tires.

I sure would like to find another Mitas trials tire, the darn thing works great and is lasting like iron, and it's at least 5 yrs old. I got if free and put in the corner and forgot about it until early this year and used it. Usually a tire that sits that long will be dried out and not work, but not so with this little jewel.

Any info?
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