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Old 06-30-2012, 11:58 AM
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steliost steliost is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Northern Greece
Posts: 73

Hallo. I've had ACL reconstruction on both my knees using hamstring graft, the right one 18 months ago and left one 8 months ago. I'm going great on both. I hit the gym three times a week, running treadmill and doing weight lifting.
I haven't actually ridden yet after my last operation, and I already purchased a pair of Asterisk Ultra Cell. Upon the test ride with the Asterisks I felt comfortable but they' re a bit bulky around the knees, no problem with that except boots rest wider on the pegs and I had trouble finding the rear brake . I showed em to my surgeon and orthopedic and he said they sure are a great protective gear piece but it cannot guarantee you a 100%... All I can say for sure is that exercising saves your knees and overall body from further injuries. lonetree, be patient and get rewarded after, do your physio religiously, and exercise building quadriceps. I've had myself thoughts on jumping on the bike 3 months post op following my buddies but I couldn't handle another op...
Best wishes mate!
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