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Old 01-06-2021, 02:26 AM
thanospap thanospap is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Edessa, Northern Greece
Posts: 2

Well i wasn't that enraged as to start quoting devil lyrics, until i actually made the switch form this absolute disastrous pile of smelly poisonous crap that is the N1EF needle, forgive me from typing it's name. The hours i spent trying to figure it out and the doubt that maybe the bike has a problem, a 2001' 300.

Anyway, stepping away from the darkness, read some threads here and bought a NEDJ.

i was at
AS 100 turns out
and it was shitty down low, also crap in the middle but ok high. (talking about throttle openings)

now its the same only
NEDJ@3 and AS 2-3 out and its very close to 100%. i mean the sputter is absolutely minimum at small openings and tunable with AS, anything after barely cracked open and it accelerates smoothly, even at extremely low rpm near the die out point below idle.

Pretty tempted to melt the old needle into nothing.
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