Thread: Sciatica
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Old 10-19-2007, 04:48 PM
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I went Weds night, first time. The guy spent close to an hour, examination, nerve tests, Xray. The XRay developer failed, so he could not verify what he suspected from the examination. Anyway, he claimed that my sacrum was shifted slightly, placing pressure on the lowest disc. He said it was probably like that for awhile, from a previous fall. Typically happens when people fall on the ice and land on their tail bone. It takes approx 7mm of nerve compression on average in that area to have pain symptoms, and I could have been on the edge. Since I recovered about 80% in a week, he does not suspect any additional permanent damage, but the XRay will indicate if an MRI is needed to prove that, which I will find out tommorrow. Its not technically Sciatica, because my pain is in a different nerve group that is felt on the side of the leg, not the rear.

Well, I agreed to let him "treat" me as he was quite confident. I could not beleive how I felt when I walked out, I felt great. Even today I can barely tell I had a problem, only after the drive to work can I feel anything and now its just a dull ache for a minute or two. I'm going to stick with this for awhile as I had a definate improvement in one visit. Going back tommorrow and will discuss what I can do to improve my training program to help this.

Whatever it takes to get back on the bike without problems.
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