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Old 10-26-2009, 10:27 AM
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Krasi Krasi is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Posts: 84

Today was my PT seesion #11 (I have them daily) and something very weird happened.

For about half of the sessions, I lay on my bellie and the physiotherapist is flexing my knee up to it's limit. Naturally there is a lot of pain during these exercises and today was not different. But at the 2nd or 3rd repetition, I think (I repeat, I think) something crunched in there and the pain decreased tremendously! There is no dramatic increase in ROM or something, but the pain is definetely much less. Even now, while sitting and writing these the knee feels better than before.

Have you, rehab veterans, experienced something similar? Could I've snapped or ripped something (like the new ACL, for example)? We have a saying round here that too good is no good...
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